quinta-feira, 21 de junho de 2012


  O Jornal Oecoambiental publica em tempo real as principais notícias na Rio + 20.  Estão na maioria em inglês e são disponibilizadas para a imprensa credenciada aqui na Rio + 20.  Que possamos então democratizá-las, traduzí-las e replicá-las. Nossa intenção é buscar a argumentação de cada um de nós sobre os textos. Convidamos aos nossos leitores para nos enviarem sua opinião. Estaremos traduzindo alguns textos e postando outros textos em português. Nossas cordiais saudações à todos.
Tourism can contribute to the three pillars of sustainability

Tourism, providing jobs and supporting the livelihoods of millions, particularly women and young people, is central to advance the three pillars of sustainability, agree participants at Rio+20 tourism event.
Participants of the side event on ´The Future of Sustainable Tourism´ held at Rio+20 agreed that tourism can make a significant contribution to the three pillars of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.
“Tourism is interlinked with the seven key themes being discussed here at Rio+20 – jobs, energy, cities, food, water, oceans and disasters – and can be a factor of development to developing and developed countries alike” said Gastão Vieira, Minister of Tourism of Brazil, opening the event.
“We are here today at Rio, twenty years after the first Earth Summit, to renew our commitments, define shared goals and agree on a roadmap to a better future” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, highlighting that “it is now more than ever, amid growing economic concerns, that we need to call for the right policies, the adequate investment and the proper business practices that can make us advance into a fairer more people-centered inclusive growth”.
“Tourism’s capacity to create jobs is central to this debate” said Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) underlining tourism’s multiplier effects. “We cannot forget that for every job created in tourism, many more jobs are created in other sectors”.
The role of the UN system in advancing tourism’s contribution to economic growth and development was debated, namely the work of the UN Steering Committee on Tourism for Development (SCTD), an initiative led by UNWTO and bringing together eight UN agencies and programmes (ILO, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, UNIDO, WTO) to ensure an integrated and more effective international cooperation – ‘Delivering as One ‘- for tourism and accelerate progress towards the MDGs.
Participants emphasized the role of sustainable tourism in creating decent jobs, stimulating trade and linkages and eliminating poverty. There was a clear call to improve the link between local communities and tourism attractions in order make tourism a more effective tool in the fight against poverty and to advance awareness-raising among tourists of their obligation to respect and protect the environment considering that it is tourism’s prime interest and responsibility to protect natural resources.
Closing the event, Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the 1992 Earth Summit said “your sector has a real interest in protecting the environment and a huge potential for the green economy as its assets are the ones we need to preserve and enhance”.
The event also counted on the participation of the Minister of Tourism of Ecuador, Freddy Ehlres, the Minister of Tourism of Madagascar, Jean Max Rakotomamonjy, the Vice-Minister for Tourism Planning of Mexico, Jorge Mezher, Ambassador Dho Young-Shim, Member of the UN MDG Advocacy Group and Chair of the ST-EP Foundation (Sustainable Tourism-Eliminating Poverty), the President of the ST-EP Foundation and former UNWTO Secretary-General, Francesco Frangialli, and Shahrazad Roohi, Environmental Advisor, the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Cultural Authority.
Useful links:
UNWTO Tourism Side-Events at RIO+20: http://icr.unwto.org/en/content/journey-rio20-0
UN Steering Committee on Tourism for Development SCTD: http://icr.unwto.org/en/content/un-steering-committee-tourism-development-sctd


   O Jornal Oecoambiental publica em tempo real as principais notícias na Rio + 20.  Estão na maioria em inglês e são disponibilizadas para a imprensa credenciada aqui na Rio + 20.  Que possamos então democratizá-las, traduzí-las e replicá-las. Nossa intenção é buscar a argumentação de cada um de nós sobre os textos. Convidamos aos nossos leitores para nos enviarem sua opinião. Estaremos traduzindo alguns textos e postando outros textos em português. Nossas cordiais saudações à todos.

UN Secretary-General’s MDG Advocates Kickstart the Jobs of the Future
Rio de Janeiro, 21 June 2012 – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s MDG Advocates –eminent experts representing the private sector, academia, government and civil society -- have come together for a dialogue with young people on “Sustainable Futures: Accelerating the Progress of the MDGs through Youth Innovations.” The goal is strengthen global advocacy on the MDGs during the Rio+20 Summit and ensure linkages between poverty, climate change and sustainable development.
The panel moderated by Fabien Cousteau included interventions by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Jeffrey Sachs, Muhammad Yunus, Ted Turner, Marina Silva and Ambassador Dho Young-Shim and featured youth representatives Ralien Bekker (MGCY), a youth advocate; Edinilson Ferreira dos Santos (UN-Habitat), who works on promoting public participation in slum upgrading projects by young social entrepreneurs; Jill Van den Brule (Soleil Global), who is empowering communities and addressing energy poverty through solar powered lighting; and Sebastian Stier (Code Sustainable), which is leveraging the power of technology and games to promote sustainable development.
The event signals that innovation and youth engagement is high on the UN agenda to move the anti-poverty goals forward in the post-2015 period. “Young people can and must play a central role in bringing dynamic new ideas, fresh thinking and energy to the'Rio+20'process,” said the Secretary-General.
The MDG Advocates Group, co-chaired by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, was established by the Secretary-General in June 2010 to help him build political will and mobilize global action for the benefit of the poor and most vulnerable.
In the current global economic climate, there is an increasing need to build strong political support for innovative financing mechanisms. Harnessing the power of partnerships to scale up youth innovations is the key to addressing poverty, promoting environmental protection and a more equitable world. Young people under 25 represent half the world today and must be at the centre of driving change. The Secretary-General is also appointing a Special Advisor on Youth in order to mobilize the UN system around an action plan.
The goal is to change business by empowering them as change agents to implement sustainable solutions. This year, 80 million young people will enter the workforce, with very few prospects. Scaling up current examples of youth involvement in the green economy in action is key – particularly in developing countries – for it has the incredible potential to deliver a ‘triple bottom line’ of job-creating economic growth, environmental sustainability and social inclusion. The proposed “Youth Innovations Fund” will leverage the leadership of the MDG Advocates and their expertise to serve as a catalyst to the creation of new green jobs and help young people access markets.
For more information, including a full list of the MDG Advocates, please visit: www.un.org/millenniumgoals/advocates


   O Jornal Oecoambiental publica em tempo real as principais notícias na Rio + 20. Estão na maioria em inglês e são disponibilizadas para a imprensa credenciada aqui na Rio + 20.  Que possamos então democratizá-las, traduzí-las e replicá-las. Nossa intenção é buscar a argumentação de cada um de nós sobre os textos. Convidamos aos nossos leitores para nos enviarem sua opinião. Estaremos traduzindo alguns textos e postando outros textos em português. Nossas cordiais saudações à todos.

Population Key to Sustainable Development, Says New UNFPA Report
Report launched today at Rio+20 says new global population dynamics present many challenges and opportunities for a sustainable future
RIO DE JANEIRO, 21 June 2012— Countries need to promote sustainable patterns of production and consumption – which are the defining features of the green economy – but also address demographic change through human-rights based policies in order to achieve sustainability, a new UNFPA reports says.
The report, Population Matters for Sustainable Development, explains the links between population dynamics and sustainable development, as key to reducing the environmental impact of the 9 billion consumers the world is projected to have in about 30 years. The report was launched today at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20) by Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.
"Everywhere, but especially in emerging economies, millions more people are becoming richer consumers of goods and services, thus adding to pressures on natural resources. Sustainable patterns of consumption—enabled in part by appropriate technologies—are therefore urgently needed to improve the well-being of humanity now and into the future,” said Dr. Osotimehin.
Demographic shifts, such as the trend towards living in cities, can reduce strains on the environment by reducing consumption of resources. A fall in fertility will allow households and countries to increase investment in people and productive capacities.
"Slowing population growth can have a positive impact on environmental sustainability in the long run. It will also offer nations more time to adapt to changes in the environment. However, this can occur only if women have the right, the power and the means to decide freely how many children to have and when,” explained Dr. Osotimehin. The report stressed the need for universal access to reproductive health information and services for women and girls.
Governments also need to integrate population trends and future projections into their development strategies and policies. “Investments that are built on—and take advantage of—demographic trends can help transform populations into rich human capital that can propel sustainable development.”


  O Jornal Oecoambiental publica em tempo real as principais notícias na Rio + 20.  Estão na maioria em inglês e são disponibilizadas para a imprensa credenciada aqui na Rio + 20.  Que possamos então democratizá-las, traduzí-las e replicá-las. Nossa intenção é buscar a argumentação de cada um de nós sobre os textos.  Convidamos aos nossos leitores para nos enviarem sua opinião. Estaremos traduzindo alguns textos e postando outros textos em português. Nossas cordiais saudações à todos.

Press Conference by the Secretary-General
Rio de Janeiro, 21 June 2012

SG: Ladies and Gentlemen, muito obrigado.

I wanted to meet the Brazilian press, believing that it would be only fair for the Brazilian people to know how much contribution Brazil has been making to the success of the Rio+20 meeting on sustainable development.

Not only as a host Government, but also as an important member of the United Nations, Brazil has been making a great contribution and [demonstrating] leadership.

I’m very much encouraged and satisfied with the current level of the negotiations process and the hospitality which has been provided through all members of the delegations.

We are going to adopt tomorrow afternoon the outcome document as a result of the negotiations here. I am very much grateful for seminal role that Brazil has been making, and the leadership of President Dilma Rousseff and the whole team. And this is an outcome document containing very broad, but ambitious and practical, packages for sustainable development.

Ensuring the three pillars of our goals: social equity, economic development and environmental sustainability; these are three dimensions which we want to achieve and this outcome document contains many recommendations, good recommendations. What is important at this time is to implement [them].

Now is a time to implement all these recommendations which should be adopted by the world leaders. Twenty years ago, here in Rio, world leaders set us towards sustainable development.

Now much strengthened, after twenty years, the world leaders have committed themselves to put us and our succeeding generation on a much better and stronger, more sustainable path for all prosperity and humanity so that all the people can live [in] dignity, peace and harmony.

I am very committed, as the Secretary-General, to walk together with the Member States to help implement these recommendations to shape the world we want.
Muito obrigado.
Q.: Mr. Secretary-General, what will be the next practical and concrete measures regarding those commitments made in this Conference?

SG: Our Member States have agreed to establish universal sustainable development goals, and this should build upon the successes of the Millennium Development Goals. At the same time, we need to accelerate the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals until 2015, which will be succeeded by sustainable development goals. We have to agree on sustainable development goals. An intergovernmental panel is going to be established with the committee of experts. And I’m also going to establish a high-level panel with eminent persons to work together. All this will be discussed in the intergovernmental panel. There are other good recommendations to strengthen
Q: Have you chosen those persons already?

SG.: That has to be decided by the Member States, and for my part I have already appointed three co-chairs; but for the composition of all the eminent [panel] process, I have to discuss later on. After the Rio+20 Summit is over, I will try to announce it.

Q: Different groups from different parts of society talk about failure, what can you say to them? And I just want to add to this question. There are some groups that want to take off their signatures of the [outcome] document, so…

SG: I believe this is a great success for the international community. I firmly believe as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, this is a great success and a good document which can put us all towards greater sustainability and one can be, one can have some different views, but as far as United Nations is concerned. And I am very much grateful for such a visionary leadership of President Dilma Rousseff and the whole team, which has been leading these negotiations to such a great success.

We need to be very much grateful to the Brazilian people and Government. Brazil has an enormous potential in leading this campaign. Brazil has a standing as one of the rising countries, emerging states with a lot of potential. These should be fully utilized, now that Brazilian diplomacy has fully demonstrated their capacity to bring this negotiation towards a successful conclusion.

Thank you very much, muito obrigado.

Q: Is it as important as 92?

SG: The 1992 Rio Earth Summit has made a great visionary agenda of 21. The world has consumed the resources to prosperity without realizing that our planet Earth is all limited.

We have to be very much conscious of this limit, which our planet Earth has. We have to fully utilize our resources, but at the same time we have to make everything [in a] sustainable way, socially, economically and environmentally.

That is what Member States have agreed on, [in] 26 areas. This is a very good document; this is the vision on which we can build our dreams, our visions and it is important that the Member States are united and work together. And I thank you at this time, all civil society for their contribution. I met the representatives of nine major groups of civil society. They have been making great contributions, and I ask them to continuously engage in this important implementation process.

This is not the end of our journey. This is just the beginning of our journey towards greater sustainability. And I am happy and satisfied with what we have achieved under the leadership of Brazil and [its] people. Thank you very much.


  O Jornal Oecoambiental está no Rio de Janeiro,  acompanhando a reunião dos Chefes de Estado no Riocentro que amanhã irão aprovar o documento final da Rio + 20. A Cúpula dos Povos, que acontece paralelamente no Aterro do Flamengo segue refletindo os encaminhamentos que estão sendo tomados pelos países, buscando fazer ecoar à sociedade civil de todo o mundo que as soluções precisam ser imediatas e não postergadas.
  São mais de dezeseis mil jornalistas  de todas as partes do mundo cobrindo a Rio + 20, Cúpula dos Povos e eventos paralelos que acontecem e se multiplicam. Aqui na sala de imprensa no Riocentro, encontramos os jornalistas de todos os continentes do planeta e constatamos a força da  comunicaçao global. Acontecendo em tempo real, o olhar sobre os problemas ambientais divergem, conflitam-se, no entanto, podemos sentir que o mundo busca um novo caminho de civilização.
  Há um questionamento sobre os poucos avanços no enfrentamento urgente dos principais problemas ambientais mundiais. Contudo, encontramos aqui o mundo pulsando em toda sua diversidade: nacionalidades, culturas, povos indígenas, populações tradicionais (de todos os continentes), Estados, poderes públicos e a sociedade civil do planeta buscam novos caminhos. O Jornal Oecoambiental realiza uma comunicação socioambiental realista, com razão, emoção e antes de tudo confraternizando-se com todas as pessoas que valorizam a nossa humanidade e lutam por um mundo melhor, ambientalmente mais justo e para todos.
   Acreditamos que vamos conseguir pela união da sociedade civil  nacional e mundial transformarmos o eixo sobre a açao humana no planeta. Sairmos de uma lógica e ciência da degradação e destruição, para um novo paradigma de um mundo melhor.  Na medida em que a sociedade civil global  informa-se um passo decisivo é dado. Por si só este fato está dado. Sempre vale a pena reunir-se países e opiniões diversas. Os caminhos diferem com certeza, mas sente-se aqui o pulsar da busca  de soluçao aos greves problemas socioambientais do Brasil e do mundo.
  Nosso muito obrigado a todas as pessoas e instituições que nos apoiaram para estarmos aqui hoje e continuam conosco acreditando que o ser humano pode aprender com seus erros e trilhar melhores caminhos com mais qualidade de vida e valorização da pessoa humana e de todo ambiente. Dividimos com a população nossa certeza de que continuamos felizes por estarmos juntos desbravando novos caminhos, acreditando sempre naquelas  pessoas e instituções que no Brasil e no mundo lutam pela conquista de uma justiça ambiental, com maior valorização e defesa da vida;  de um meio ambiente saudável para todos nós. Que a Rio + 20 e todas as reuniões, Conferências locais ou globais, sejam do povo, da maioria, senão, para todos. O que temos feito de ruim a nossa espécie e ao planeta temos constatado à cada dia. Agora presisamos como civilização global nos renovarmos.  A Rio + 20 para ser reconhecida em nível global precisa aqui e ao longo dos próximos anos ser a "Cúpula do Povo", de todos os povos, de todos seres humanos, em busca da harmonia com toda esta beleza socioambiental da Terra.

sábado, 16 de junho de 2012


  As Nações Unidas estão transmitindo ao vivo pela Internet (webcast) a Conferência oficial e alguns eventos paralelos. Haverá conteúdo ao vivo para até cinco eventos simultâneos, conforme descrito a seguir:

- A Plenária principal terá transmissões em inglês e na língua do orador.

- Mesas-redondas: transmissões em inglês e na língua do orador.

- Coletivas de imprensa (são 2 lugares): transmissões em inglês e na língua do orador.

- ‘Major Groups’: transmissões em inglês e na língua do orador.

- ‘Diálogos’ (16 a 19 de junho): Inglês e português.

    Por motivos técnicos, as Nações Unidas não transmitirão mais do que cinco eventos paralelos, e nunca em mais do que duas línguas. No local da Conferência, diversos eventos e reuniões serão traduzidas também para o português. O endereço é o www.un.org/webcast

   A Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC) também realizará ampla cobertura. Acesse  a página especial da EBC em http://rio20.ebc.com.br/
 Informações diárias até o final do evento em www.onu.org.br/rio20 ; www.facebook.com/ONURioMais20 . www.twitter.com/ONU_RioMais20